Google Analytics Site Search has long been a powerful tool for exploring how users locate content on your site. However, it’s an even more powerful tool in the context of your AdWords campaigns. Just as organic search terms are a valuable source of AdWords keywords, Site Search is a also a great source of potential  keywords.

Site Search is a breeze to set up and will collect the search terms being used within your on-site search. If you have configured goals in Google Analytics, you can then drill down to see which site searches produce quality goal completions. Once you know how profitable various terms are, you can weigh adding them to your AdWords account. Site Search terms are often generic queries that would normally be considered top-of-the-funnel. This is where Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) makes things interesting. Just as you can remarket your site’s past visitors on the Google Display Network, you can remarket to these visitors through Google Search. Using RLSA, you can set up a search campaign containing your general site search terms and remarket to past users. Since you are only showing your ads to people who have previously visited your site, these generic terms can become VERY economical. Good Luck!